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Recovery of Failed Payments

A Proven Solution For Businesses With Recurring Transactions

  • Reduce Customer Turnover
  • Increase Revenue
  • Decrease Collections Expense
  • Maximize Customer Lifetime Value  



Up to 2/3 of CNP (Card Not Present) declines are false positives - these should have been accepted. Much of the remaining declines are for NSF (Non Sufficient Funds).


48% of all customer churn is due to failed (declined) payments.


27% of customers actively canceled their service as a result of awareness of a failed payment, along with a 20-25 point NPS (National Payment System) decrease and a hit to the company’s reputation.

Our Solution Effectively Recovers All Types Of Failed Payments 

All Businesses

Self-Storage | Property Management





Recover Approximately 80% Of Your Failed Payments

Without Sending Your Customers To Collections

Keep Your Customers Current

The longer the failed payment situation lingers,

the bigger the problem becomes,

the greater the probability of a negative impact on your bottom line.


The single biggest cause of customer churn in subscription businesses are failed payments, and the strategies you implement to recover those failed payments matter. Research shows that customer visibility to the failed payment created through service interruptions and dunning approaches are also drivers of churn. By employing our solution, you can recover the declined transaction without involving your customer and therefore reducing churn. 


  • ACH Returns
  • Pre-Authorized Drafts
  • Returned Checks (consumer and business)
  • Credit and Debit Card Returns


  • Proprietary technology is used to quickly collect NSF returns
  • Increase your recovery by as much as 50%
  • Recovered funds are deposited at 100%
  • Full reporting functionality
  • No collection calls


  • Increase profitability
  • Increase cash flow
  • Speed up the recovery process
  • Reduce collection costs
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Eliminate collection call concellations
  • Daily reporting and secure website access

Clear Recovery For Up To 80% Of Your Declined Recurring Payments

First, Fast, and Free
Try This Solution for Failed Payment Recovery

As a business receives declined or NSF payments, a great amount of money is spent on recovery or the loss.

Traditional mode of recovery includes calling the customer to fix the declined payment. Some customers will cancel on the call (about 1 out of 7). A Collection Agency means the customer is lost forever, while the Agency keeps up 50% of collected funds on a 20% rate of recovery over 60 to 90 days. Not only do you lose a customer, but now you have a new expense of replacing lost customer. Sales and boarding can be very expensive.

Before You Attempt To Clear Your Failed Payments... 

Try This Solution To Clear Recover And Deposit At No Cost

Failed payments are normal and costly, but our solution eliminates declined payments and the high cost of recovery.

What is most important to you and your business:

  • Depositing 100% of clear recoveries on declined payments?
  • Clear recovering of up to 80% of all NSF declines?
  • Reducing collection cost to zero?

  • Increasing cash flow by tens of thousands of dollars?

  • Reducing capital requirements to run your business, saving interest on borrowing?

  • Eliminating collection calls increasing customer retention and satisfaction?

  • Cutting write-offs down by 50 % or more, putting more profits to the bottom line?

  • Reducing debt service and eliminating bank fees?

  • Assistance with risk management?
  • Total savings redeemed because of more cleared payments.  Thus, increasing cash flow, reducing collection costs, reducing bank charges, increasing customer retention, and reducing write-offs. This will add thousands of dollars to your bottom line.
Why Choose Our Services?
  • Our team's proprietary system maximizes the efficiency of clear recovery of declined payments.
  • Zero-cost clearing platform improves your cash flow, operating efficiencies and reduces risk.
  • At a rate of up to 80% recovery since 1999 and over 14,000+ clients, nationally, it is a proven Solution.

No Set Up Fees, No Monthly Fees, And No Equipment To Buy.

Clear Recover up to 80% of your recurring returned or declined ACH, eCheck, Debit or Credit Card transactions.

  • Clear declined payments without making phone calls, eliminating cancelations and the cost of collections.
  • Improve your cash flow, reduce your debt service, and eliminate many bank fees.
  • All the cost of collections saved goes directly to your bottom line.
  • Clear Recover most declined payments before using your current recovery methods.
  • Write-offs reduced by 50% or more also going directly to your bottom line.


Our network has saved millions of dollars in collection for over 14,000 Clients over 22-years, is an Associate Member of the NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) and Associate Member of the ACA (American Creditors Association).

What Type Of Businesses Use Our Services?

Recurring billers of all types...

  • Business to Business
  • Membership organizations
  • Distributors receiving checks or ACH from small businesses
  • Retailers - whether to consumers or businesses
  • Service companies (streaming media, web hosting, telecom, utilities, fitness clubs, security, media)
  • All Companies that experience declined recurring payments from their customers.


Hospital, Medical Center, Pharmacies, and Clinics


  • Approximately 30 declined items per month, per location (5 locations)
  • Average payment of $1100 for payment on account, also pharmacy
  • Sent to collection agency, who keeps 40% of collected funds
  • Recovery rate very low at approximately 25%

Critical Issue/Pain

  • Collection Costs per collected item were extremely high
  • Collection Agency recovery deposit in 60 to 180 days, when collected
  • Recovering only about 25% of items in total
  • Lost, never recovered revenue was about $900,000 annually


  • Group provided returned items first, before collection agency
  • Any remaining uncollected items were sent to collection agency (less than 30%)
  • Our team's solution uses technology that even banks cannot use for recovery
  • Managed Clear Recovery Solution in place since 2004 for recovery of NSF returns


  • Increase collection rates and cash flow in 7 to 21 days
  • Eliminate high cost of collection agency (40% of collected funds)
  • In-house collections spotty and inconsistent


  • Our team's electronic solution immediately increased clear recovery of NSF rates, reduced collection costs, and increased revenue for the hospital group
  • Recovery rates after solution implementation: Over 70% of NSF items
  • Collection agency used for closed accounts and uncollectible times
  • The solution reduced collection agency costs by over $198,000 in the first year
  • Collection Agency receives about 70% fewer NSF items, thus increasing cash flow for the hospital group
  • Cashflow increase approximately $74,000 in the first month

No Risk

  • Cost to client to implement use of solution - $0
  • No equipment or setup costs
  • No monthly fees
  • No annual fees
  • No hidden fees
  • This is a free service to the hospital, medical center, pharmacies, and clinics


National Bottling and Distribution Company


  • Does the technology/service recover declined payments which are NOT part of a monthly recurring payment plan? - One-time payments are not eligible for recovery unless they are legally preauthorized by the payor and was not subsequently paid or is a paper check. 
  • In instances of credit or debit card fraud, and the customer receives a "NEW" card, is the NSF recovery service able to capture this information and recover declined payments? - Yes, when a card is replaced for fraud, stolen or lost reasons, the service recovers the replacement card information up to about 80% of the items.  However, some banks do not participate in this replacement card service.  
  • As an alternative for charging the customer an "NSF Fee" for a declined recurring payment, what type of arrangement can be structured to make it more advantageous for our organization to absorb this expense (knowing it is still less expensive than a collections agency)? - This can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.  Our small recovery fee, which is only charged when we are successful, is not even close to the charge that comes from collection agencies.  We are not a collection agency.  Collection agencies write collection letters, make phone calls (sometimes harassing), and charge exorbitant fees to the failed account holder and then keeps perhaps 25% to 50% or more of the collected amount, remitting the smaller balance to the Client.  We write no letters and make no harassing  phone calls.  Our recovery rate of up to 80% is 4 times greater than the average collection agency, which can take 30 to 90 days to collect.  Our solution is complete in 7 to 15 days.  The amount that is not recovered through our solution can be returned to the Client so they can pursue using their normal collection process.
  • For approximately 20% of the time that the service cannot recover the declined payments, do we need to still send those transactions to our collection agency? - You can do that.  However, on a case-by-case basis, if the volume qualifies, we have an option where we can have our collections agency partner handle the other 20% for you... at no cost.  Inquire for details.  
  • What happens if the customer complains about receiving a NSF Fee for their declined payment? - Just like a bank, if the customer contacts us and requests a waiver, we will grant a waiver if they have not abused the system (meaning, if they do not have a history of declined payments).  This is done on request only.  Our phone number accompanies the fee that we charge after full recovery and payment to our Client.  The Account Holder can call us to request a refund.  This happens very infrequently.
  • When we look at our potential benefits with this technology/service, are you saying we can... save on collections agency expenses and internal processing expenses... avoid potential bad customer relations due to sending our customers to collections... and increase our cash flow at the same time?  Yes!
  •  Just to clarify, the technology/service is at no cost to us... your service collects up to about 80% of our declined recurring payments... you'll send us 100% of the amount that is collected and what we are owed... you'll forward expired credit/debit card data to us at no cost... and, you may be able to have your collections agency partner collect on the other 20% of our declined recurring payments... is that correct? - Yes!

How May We Help You?
